Excellent Educators Day – an exclusive look at the men and women
helping our kids adapt to a world that’s constantly changing.
Our local educators are dealing with new challenges like
remote learning and new safety guidelines.
Listen all day February 11th to hear their stories and learn how
they’re making our children’s education and well-being their top priority

Excellent Educators Day - Ian Summers
Working in summer programs throughout high school taught Teeterville Public School principal, Ian Summers, he had a knack for working with kids. The Simcoe native grew up in town, graduated from Simcoe Composite School, and returned to Norfolk after attending the University of Guelph and Western University. Summers's o...
Feb 11, 2021

Excellent Educators Day - Jessica Varga
Growing up with a lot of younger cousins inspired Jessica Varga to become a teacher. Currently a Grade 3 and 4 teacher at Lakewood Elementary School, Varga grew up in Norfolk before heading to Brock University for teaching. The teacher of six years says she loved school as a kid, and, inspired by her teachers, wants to...
Feb 11, 2021

Excellent Educators Day - Leanne Howse
Some kids pick a different career path every other day. From a firefighter to a ballerina to a chef, many kids can't decide what they want to be when they grow up. The same can't be said for Leanne Howse. Ever since she was a kid she told her mom over and over again that she would be a teacher and she fulfilled that pr...
Feb 11, 2021

Excellent Educators Day - Jason Mayo
If there is one thing that is clear after speaking with Jason Mayo it's that he loves Norfolk County. Born and raised on a farm here in Norfolk, Jason quickly returned back home to teach once he graduated. Jason believes there is just something special about the area, and the people, that keeps him planted here and mou...
Feb 11, 2021

Excellent Educators Day - Lindsey Beck
Helping children become their very best is a clear passion for Lindsey Beck. When she is not in the school working with students, she is helping with various sports leagues in the community from her time with youth soccer in Simcoe to minor hockey. She believes in community and lessons that transcend that classroom. Un...
Feb 11, 2021

Excellent Educators Day - Brian Auld
Technology has always been there for Brian Auld, even at the very beginning of his teaching career. Back in 1996, Brian's first two years of teaching were as a computer teacher as the school board recently investing in computer labs across the county. When he wasn't teaching computers, he was still using the bricks and...
Feb 11, 2021

Excellent Educators Day- Bob Foster
He could wish you a happy birthday in the classroom on a Monday, give you a tongue lashing for something you did on a Tuesday, and then come over to joke around with you at the hockey arena on the weekend. Bob Foster taught in Norfolk County for many years but he is perhaps known best by many for his long stretch as pr...
Feb 11, 2021

Excellent Educators Day - Tara Hutchinson
The best tool a teacher can have is her cellphone. That's the motto for Tara Hutchinson, as she says nowadays interactions with students don't simply stay within the confines of Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Tara is a 5th generation Norfolk County resident, born and raised in the community and coming back t...
Feb 11, 2021