It is Your Health, Your Wellness Day presented by J&M Memorials.
We are taking time to speak with Peter Mauthe, owner-operator of J&M Memorials, about the stress that can come after someone you love passes away and what you can do to alleviate some of that stress.
J&M Memorial originally started in Hamilton with Mauthe’s grandfather but was moved into Norfolk and taken over by his father after his grandfather passed away.
It has been a family operation deeply rooted in Norfolk since then, being one of the only few local monument dealers in the community.
Mauthe said families don’t necessarily realize the long process it takes to get everything done.
For example, depending on the color, it may take time to get the right stone in.
Also, each cemetery has its own bylaw in place, so plans for certain monuments may not be able to move forward as planned.
After going through all the requirements, it could take a few months to get the proper stone ready for a loved one.
Mauthe said having that awkward conversation with the loved one can ensure the item they want is ready, so a family can lay their loved one to rest and not have to come back a few months later for installation of the proper monument.
He has seen many people come in unsure of what to get, and the stress that comes over them trying to find something their loved one would want.
Having that conversation and getting details in place early may not be the happiest thing, but he says it will make life a little bit easier as family members try to navigate through an already difficult time.