A Tractor Convoy rolled through Aylmer yesterday (Thursday), and one will hit Haldimand and Norfolk tomorrow (Saturday).
Aylmer Police said there were around 120 tractors with a few big rigs at yesterday’s event.
During this, a number of residents did step out of their homes to show support.
myFM spoke with a couple of individuals who shared their opinion.
Locally, a Convoy is set for this weekend, starting in Dunnville and going into Simcoe.
The route, according to their official Facebook page, will have everyone set to arrive in Simcoe around 1 p.m.
Like the convoy in Aylmer, this is meant to show support for truckers currently parked in Ottawa and at the border – specifically targeting mandates.
Janelle Meredith is organizing our local event.
Meredith went to school to be a nurse, and at the start of the pandemic was working at a nursing home having to enforce mandates.
For Meredith, she wants to know what the breaking point is for those who are opposed to these rallies.
The page itself has gathered momentum with close to 2000 individuals joining up, though it’s not clear how many tractors will hit the road on Saturday.
For its part, Haldimand County is not in favour of this, specifically stops and meet-up points in the county at arenas and parks.
In an official release, they said that due to the nature of the event and the potential it has to cause negative experiences, disruptions and safety concerns for other users at their facilities – they are not in favour of this happening and participating in it may result in police involvement and potential charges under the County’s by-laws.
They add that the inclusion of Haldimand County’s logo in the promotion of the event should in no way give the impression it is supported by the County, as use of the logo without permission is also in contravention of the County’s policies.
Norfolk County has also put out a release saying they do not support the activity.
“The route throughout Norfolk County and along Highway 3 in particular, has the potential to cause disruptions for residents, businesses and travelers,’ said the release. “Two other convoy routes are also planned from Oxford County to Simcoe and Norfolk West to Simcoe which may cause further traffic delays.”
Everyone travelling through the county tomorrow is being asked to be patient and exercise caution.