Constable Gamble and Larkin of Project SEARCH, lending a hand.
Norfolk OPP are thrilled to be collaborating with Haldimand-Norfolk Community Senior Support Services. Specifically the police will be assisting the Meals on Wheels program, with deliveries.
For those unfamiliar with the program they deliver delicious hot meals right to the door. Or they can deliver a delicious, well balanced frozen dinner ready to pop into the oven anytime. This gives many families the peace of mind that their loved one is eating proper meals. We spoke to Constable Andrew Gamble about the collaboration between the OPP and Senior Support Services.
Constable Gamble went on to highlight the importance of the program, while noting that Norfolk County is a caring community.
This might seem like an unlikely partnership to some. However, Gamble explains that it’s a good fit for the police, as the OPP strive to connect with the communities they serve.
The Meals on Wheels program is run by Senior Support Services. There are many in need of support and assistance. If you’d like to become involved or support their efforts, details are available on their website: https://www.seniorsupport.ca/