Townsend Butchers have officially launched their 6th annual Christmas Ham Campaign in support of Haldimand-Norfolk Women’s Services.
For the last five years now, Townsend Butchers has partnered with the community to raise funds to help provide Christmas Hams for the local shelter.
This year along with their own donation of $600, Townsend Butchers has set of goal of raising $4,500, with any extra funds going into the HNWS house account to purchase meat as needed throughout the year.
Customers can already make individual donations or add a donation to their Christmas order, but this year, the team has created a sponsorship opportunity for individuals or businesses. You can now become a sponsor of a particular month for just $250, and during your month of sponsorship, Townsend Butchers will make a social media post at the time of your sponsorship commitment and again during the month of sponsorship.
Donations and Sponsorships for the Christmas Ham Campaign can be made through the Townsend Butchers online store, in-person at their store location 419 14th Street E Simcoe, at the Simcoe Farmers Market on Thursdays or at Brantford Farmers Market on Fridays and Saturdays. Donations can be made right up to Dec 31st, and sponsorship can be until all slots are filled.
Written by Kennedy Freeman