It’s Seeds of Success day, and we sat down with Thomas Judd of Meadow Lynn Farms.
While Meadow Lynn has a wide umbrella of items they look after now, Jersey cows and milk is where Thomas comes in.
The farm itself started up back in 1946 with his grandfather and a few cows.
The business just continued to grow, moving from his grandfather to his parents and then, for the past 10 years or so, Thomas and his wife have been running the show.
Thomas said he has worked on the farm all his life though, giving an example of taking over 15 years ago when it came to the genetics side of the dairy business.
Essentially, it’s playing match maker to insure the next line of cows are the best they can be.
He says there are cows on his farm that are multi-generational.
We asked about the day to day life of getting milk from the cows, and how so much has changed since his grandfather’s day.
This gives more accurate measurements as well.
While back in the day, you may notice a bucket of milk would “feel a little light”, now you can see how much milk is being produced exactly.
The number one priority stays the same though, the health of their cows.
That harness helps them with that.
Judd noted that this is a big week for them at the Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show.
Milk production in the area gets to take centre stage, and he is thankful for the Agricultural Societies continued commitment to showcasing all things farm related.
His full interview can be heard below.
Written by Matt LeBlanc