Haldimand-Norfolk MP Leslyn Lewis making headlines due to a meeting with a controversial political figure.
Christine Anderson, a European Parliament member who has been outspoken with some far-right views, met with some Canadian politicians last week – Lewis being amongst them.
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s spokesperson said the MPs were unaware of her “vile” views and said they regret meeting with her.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was also critical on the move, saying the Conservative Party has to provide some answers as this is not the first time members of the Conservative Party has associated with individuals with offensive or hateful views only to apologize after the fact for “not knowing.”
Lewis, on social media, took exception to Trudeu’s comments – alluding to the fact that she felt that Trudeau was claiming she was racist.
She said that she stands by her long record as a lawyer of defending immigrants, racial and religious minorities and the rights of vulnerable people, as opposed to mocking and dividing them as the PM does.
She also shared a Sun article with titled “Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis won’t be called racist by blackface PM.”
To read more from Lewis, you can click here.