Jennie Chanda brings a lot of useful knowledge to both our local Community Living Access and to the province as a whole.
Living on a farm near Delhi, Chanda is both the Board President for CL Access locally and the Vice President CL Living Ontario.
She first started with the group over 18-years-ago after a family member and a friend had children with developmental disabilities and Chanda saw the struggles and difficulties they faced.
For Chanda it was a combination of seeing them struggle to get the education they needed, the services they required, and the lack of inclusion in the community that started the wheels turning.
The second thing that pushed her to join the group was when she was a professor at Fanshawe College teaching and coordinating the PSW program.
Through working with Community Living Access and helping students with placements there – it showed her the good people and what they were doing to help the community.
She also feels her background as a professor, and as a nurse, helps her.
Her full interview is below.