With Remembrance Day coming up next week, you might be looking to get a new poppy.
That was Dan Reilly, Poppy Chair for the Simcoe Legion.
In Simcoe, poppy boxes can be found in multiple businesses including The Superstore, Walmart, and more.
New this year at the LCBO is a machine to tap a debit or credit card to donate for a poppy if you don’t have any cash on hand.
Last year, almost $37,000 was raised locally through poppy sales. This money is used to support programs that directly benefit veterans.
Some of the programs benefitting from the money include Ontario Command Poppy Fund, Ontario Command Bursary Fund, Ontario Youth Education, and service dog training for veterans living with PTSD.
The Poppy Chair also mentioned that $2.7 million across the country has gone to the Veterans Homeless Fund, which has helped identify and support over 900 Canadian vets since 2009.
Reilly thanked all of the volunteers for helping with the poppy campaign, and the community for the support.