To no surprise, agriculture was a hot topic at the All Candidates Night on Thursday.
The event, hosted by the Delhi and Simcoe Chambers, gave each of the local candidates an opportunity to touch on their personal views, and the goals of their party.
Leslyn Lewis, the Conservative Party candidate, said she knew form MP Diane Finley fielded calls from farmers that were unable to get Temporary Foreign Workers in.
Charles Lugosi, representing the Christian Heritage Party, who spoke about the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, also said those entering the country to work should be vaccinated.
Karen Matthews of the Liberal Party, spoke of her personal experience bringing migrant workers to Norfolk County, and the issues they faced.
The Veterans Coalition Party candidate, George McMorrow, spoke about keeping the workers healthy.
New Democratic Party representative, Meghan Piironen, spoke of the ways to keep the workers safe.
Ken Gilpin, of the People’s Party of Canada, was unable to attend due to an illness.
The full event will be posted by the Simcoe and District Chamber of Commerce this afternoon for those that were unable to watch live.
Please note, the bell heard in some of the audio clips was from the hosts to alert the candidates of their time being almost up.