The Simcoe and District Chamber of Commerce is excited to bring a COVID-19 Self-Screening Program to Norfolk County small businesses.
Through this Program employees self-test twice per week, get results in 15 minutes, and dramatically increase the opportunity to detect carriers early and reduce the spread of the virus.
The Province of Ontario has provided SDCC with an initial 45,000 kits to distribute – at no charge -starting this Monday to any business with less than 150 employees.
Businesses can book an appointment at to come to our office at 10 Argyle Street, Simcoe to watch a short training video and pick up their testing kits.
Businesses will receive a two-week supply of kits to start and can reorder as needed.
Participating businesses will be required to track and report all results weekly to the Chamber, and those results will be shared with the Ontario and federal Ministries of Health.
Businesses are also required to report positive or inconclusive cases to Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit.
Norfolk County will be supporting this initiative by offering a safe way to dispose of the biomedical waste these test kits generate.
Biomedical waste drop-off bins will be available at the Simcoe Chamber office for businesses to safely deposit used test kits.