It’s Next-Gen Farmer Day, presented by Wholesome Pickins.
Born and raised in Norfolk County, Mike Bakos has farming in his blood.
A fourth-generation tobacco farmer, Bakos explains that J&B Bakos Farms is in a transition phase, as he takes over the farm with his brother.
While they both went to school, Bakos says they were drawn to the lifestyle of a farmer, giving everything they had to the job during the summer.
He explains that, while it might be hard work, it’s worth it to see the rewards.
As he looks towards the future, Bakos is thankful that his father began growing watermelons nearly a decade ago.
Since then, it’s expanded to where they’re shipping over 30,000 watermelons every day.
He continues, saying it wouldn’t be possible if not for the technology that’s available for tobacco farming now.
With machines, they can grow over 200 acres of tobacco with just a few employees, allowing others to focus on their watermelon growing.
While watermelons might be a niche market, Bakos believes that finding success in a specific market is what’s necessary nowadays.