A lifelong resident of Delhi, John McMahon, has been named the citizen of the year by the Delhi Chamber of Commerce.
McMahon is the great-grandson of one of Delhi’s founding pioneers – Squire Michael McMahon.
He farmed and was a real estate agent in Delhi for over 40 years and gave back to the community tenfold.
He was a committed member of the Delhi La Salette Knights of Columbus, was the Royal Canadian Legion Delhi Branch as a Sergeant of Arms and co-organized the November 11th flyover.
Likewise, Amberlee Morgan is the Junior Citizen of the Year.
She is a volunteer and assistant coordinator at the Delhi United Church Christmas dinner, she decorates floats and walks in the annual Christmas Parade, and she is a Sunday School volunteer and speaker.
In addition to her Church volunteer work, Amberlee has been with Guiding Canada for 10 years, has up to 3 part-time jobs at any one time.
Amberlee was the Valedictorian at her Grade 8 graduation and is the student with the most academic awards in grades 9,10 and 11.
You can read the full write up on each Citizen of the Year below:
The Delhi & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that John Gerald McMahon a life-long citizen of the Delhi is the 2020 Delhi Citizen of the Year.
John, is a great grandson to one of Delhi’s founding pioneers, Squire Michael McMahon and father to Catherine calling her the light of his life. Following his youth education, John joined Her Majesty’s, Royal Canadian Corp of Signals -No1 Squadron 158 Troop in 1958, as a radio mechanic. Returning to Delhi he farmed tobacco for over 40 years and worked as a real estate agent in the off season
While on the farm, community minded John would often come to the assistance of those in need and in turn his neighbours regarded him as “Mr. Fix-it, Dr. John” as he was a self -taught small engine mechanic and studied as a diesel mechanic.
At one time John had a badger, named Keith, and considered an endangered species, living on the farm that was one of only two hundred in Ontario.
John’s community involvement also extended to the Royal Canadian Legion Delhi Branch where he served as “Sergeant of Arms” for many years. Further involvement with the Legion included leading the Legion marchers in every Norfolk County parade in his Willy’s army jeep, accompanied with his husky dog “Kickstart”. Also, for many years John co-organized the November 11th Remembrance Day flyover of vintage military aircraft for Delhi and district as a tribute to veterans.
In addition to his many contributions with the Legion, John was a committed and valuable member of the Delhi La Salette Knights of Columbus serving as a Grand Knight for 2 years, Trustee for 3 years and a leader for council members including honouring deceased members and installing members into the 3rd degree in other
Southern Ontario councils. He also served as Commander for the Assembly and District Marshall, comprised of members throughout Haldimand-Norfolk and led honour guards for church and community celebrations
Other community based organizations benefited from John’s involvement. The organizations included La Salette Area Rural Roots Organization and helping with the restoration of the St. Anthony’s cemetery.
John also provided personal support to many. He celebrated 35 years of sobriety last year and over the years regardless of the time of day, would attempt to help those who needed help with their recovery. John dedicated his life, in sobriety, to doing good to make up for the years he was not sober.
Although John has endured his share of life’s challenges and losses including enduring a serious house fire, he has risen beyond the challenges to help others. Always humble, he went about his life as a loyal and dedicated citizen of Delhi and surrounding area.
Unfortunately, John suffered a stroke in April 2018 and he is now living at Norview Lodge Although not able to physically contribute to the many organizations, his spirit of kindness and giving has not diminished
John has unselfishly given of himself for the good of others throughout the Delhi area for years. We are therefore pleased to recognize John McMahon as Delhi Citizen of the Year for 2020
The Delhi & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that Amberlee Morgan is the 2020 Delhi Junior Citizen of the Year.
Amberlee is a truly deserving recipient with a long list of accomplishments and community contributions.
She is a volunteer and assistant coordinator at the Delhi United Church Christmas dinner. Amberlee decorates floats and walks in the annual Christmas Parade. She is a Sunday School volunteer and speaker, also helps with the annual bazaar and meals
In addition to her Church volunteer work, Amberlee has been with Guiding Canada for 10 years, has up to 3 part time jobs at any one time. Amberlee was the Valedictorian at her Grade 8 graduation and is the student with the most academic awards in grades 9,10 and 11. She helps Tutor others in Math and Science at the resource center, and is active in the Drama club, White Pine Book Club, Delhi High School Youth club and the Me to We program.
Amberlee is on the DDSS Fair committee for grandstand decoration, the Tug of War team and has won several ribbons in the craft building at the Norfolk County Fair.
Amberlee is a truly remarkable young Lady
On behalf of the Delhi & District Chamber of Commerce we congratulate Amberlee on this much-deserved recognition. She is true example of the positive attitude of the youth in Delhi.