Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer Of Health David Williams says more needs to be done to protect Temporary Foreign Workers.
Three have died in Ontario, with the most recent passing being in Norfolk County.
As a response, Williams has sent a memo to local Medical Officers of Health strongly suggesting a slew of new Section 22 orders go into effect to ensure worker safety.
They acknowledge that due to labour shortage, many of these farms are using local workers as well, and some rules apply to all workers while others are targetted specifically at those entering the country.
Many of them ensure quarantine is handled properly when workers arrive in Canada but other orders strongly suggest further social distancing and breaking up into specific teams on farms to prevent large scale outbreaks.
The full list can be found below:
All Employers of workers should take the following actions before workers begin on the farm.
These are in addition to requirements under the Quarantine Act:
• Ensure that all TFWs who have arrived in Canada are isolated for 14 days from the date of arrival in Canada;
• Keep a list of names of all TFWs scheduled to arrive in Canada, their planned date of arrival and a plan for isolation of the workers;
• Ensure TFWs in isolation are kept at a minimum of 2 metres apart from other workers or provide a separate room or alternative accommodation for the TFWs in isolation;
• Ensure that arrangements are made for the provision of food, water, laundry, and cleaning supplies for TFWs who are placed under isolation under the terms of the class Order;
• Ensure TFWs under self-isolation for 14 days notify the PHU if they have any COVID-19 symptoms;
• During the 14-day isolation period, ensure that no TFW works on the farm (where they are under isolation), or any other farm;
• Notify the PHU if the worker(s) needs to leave the farm for ANY reason, during this isolation period, such as to seek medical attention.
All Employers of farm workers including TFWs, local workers and temporary help agency workers should take the following actions:
• Ensure that accurate and updated contact information for all employees (permanent, temporary, or contract) is available to be produced to the PHU within 24 hours of request in
support of case management and contact tracing requirements; and
• Ensure that workers arriving to work on the farm from any area where there is community transmission have tested negative for COVID-19 within 48 hours prior to entering or beginning work; and
• Conduct daily (as a minimum) active screening;
• Ensure that employees that work on farms are assigned to the same team/group/work pod (cohort) that is separated from other individuals and teams.
o Within the team/work pod, workers should maintain a two-metre physical distance from other workers as best as possible. The need for PPE should be based on a risk
assessment that may take into consideration factors such as local epidemiology and input from the PHU;
• Follow all legislative requirements to protect worker health and safety (Occupational Health and Safety Act), any directions and guidance provided by the PHU, Government of Ontario and Federal Government pertaining to COVID-19 and the terms of the Section 22 class Order.
o This may include ensuring adherence to isolation orders issued to employees, ensuring that the required public health measures such as active screening and physical
distancing are always maintained within a workplace and supporting all aspects of investigations and outbreak management related to communicable diseases, including COVID-19 conducted by the PHU.
• Ensure that all employees understand their rights and entitlements, including access to healthcare services and other supports that may be available if a worker becomes sick.